Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_item_files() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 19
Strict Standards: Non-static method Database::db_result_to_array() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 219


(нажмите, чтобы увеличить)
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_item_files() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 68
- Цена1150000 руб.
- Год2010
- Объем двигателя, см3:1800
- Тип двигателяБензин инжектор
- Мощность, л.с.160
- СостояниеОтличное
- Растаможенда
- ЦветЧерный
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_params() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 187
Strict Standards: Non-static method Database::db_result_to_array() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 394
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::check_values() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 191
- Антиблокировочная система (ABS)
- Антипробуксовочная система
- Бортовой компьютер
- Датчик дождя
- Кондиционер:климат-контроль
- КПП:автомат
- Круиз-контроль
- Ксеноновые фары
- Легкосплавные диски
- Магнитола:mp3
- Обогрев зеркал
- Обогрев сидений
- Омыватель фар
- Охранная система
- Парктроник
- Подушки безопасности (шт.): 4
- Привод:Передний
- Противотуманные фары
- Рег-ка сиденья водителя:с памятью
- Рег-ка сиденья пассажира:по высоте
- Регулировка руля:в 2 пл.
- Руль:левый
- Салон:велюр
- Тип кузова:Седан
- Тонированные стекла
- Усилитель рулевого управления:гидро
- Цвет салона:темный
- Центральный замок
- Электрозеркала
- Электростеклоподъемники:все
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199
Strict Standards: Non-static method Items::get_param_value() should not be called statically in /home/pilotm/ on line 199